Make Money Blogging

with AI

A proactive approach to leveraging AI for online success.

About the Author

I’m Steph, a Freelance SEO Specialist, Graphic Designer, aspiring artist and content creator, and very proud Aunite :). I live in Sussex, England, and I love creating art, making videos and spending time with family. I have never been sure about a career direction, but I have always aspired to earn money in a way that provides fun, freedom and flexibility. 

My goal is to generate income online that isn’t just a time-for-money exchange, replacing my freelance income with a creator business model. I want to do this in a fun way that will eventually provide the freedom and flexibility I’m after. I crave that passive income lifestyle, but I’m not afraid to do some work upfront.

This project is exciting as a potential earner and for the lessons I could learn. Whether I’m successful at earning a passive income or not, the skills I will gain using such a significant technological tool will be incredibly valuable in any work or industry I find myself in (especially as AI is out to get my current job).