How to Craft a Visual Brand Identity with AI

Embarking on the journey of starting a side business is both exhilarating and challenging. As you delve into this venture, crafting a compelling visual brand identity is a critical aspect that demands attention. This is more than just a logo; it's about creating a cohesive and recognisable image that speaks to your audience. In this guide, we'll explore the elements of a brand identity, the visual components you need to consider, and how AI can be your creative companion throughout this exciting process.

What is a Brand Identity?

At its core, a brand identity is the visual representation of your business. It encompasses various elements that work together to communicate your brand's personality, values, and essence. These elements include:

  • Logo: The iconic symbol that becomes synonymous with your brand.

  • Colour Palette: A set of colours that evoke specific emotions and feelings.

  • Typography: The fonts and styles used consistently across your brand.

  • Imagery Style: The type of visuals that align with your brand's personality.

  • Consistency: Ensuring all visual elements are unified across platforms.

How Can AI Assist in Building Your Brand Identity?

AI has become a valuable ally in simplifying and enhancing the brand creation process. Let's break down each element and see how AI can lend a helping hand.

Define Your Brand Personality

Your brand's personality sets the tone for all visual elements. AI tools like Brandmark can analyse your brand attributes and generate logo options that align with your desired personality traits. Whether you aim for sophistication, friendliness, or innovation, AI can provide tailored suggestions.

Choosing the Right Colors with AI

Colour psychology plays a crucial role in brand perception. Here's a breakdown of colours and their associations:

  • Associations:

    Bold, Passion, Energy

    Examples in Branding:

    Coca-Cola, Target

  • Associations:

    Trust, Dependability, Calmness

    Examples in Branding:

    Facebook, IBM

  • Associations:

    Optimism, Clarity Warmth

    Examples in Branding:

    McDonald’s, Ikea

  • Associations:

    Freshness, Growth, Harmony

    Examples in Branding:

    Starbucks, Whole Foods

  • Associations:

    Luxury, Creativity, Royalty

    Examples in Branding:

    Cadbury, Hallmark

  • Associations:

    Playfulness, Enthusiasm, Energy

    Examples in Branding:

    Nickelodeon, Fanta


AI tools like Adobe Color Wheel can help you generate a harmonious colour palette based on your brand's personality, ensuring consistency across your visuals.

Typography and Fonts Made Easy

Selecting the right fonts is crucial for conveying your brand's tone. AI tools such as Google Fonts can assist in finding fonts that align with your brand personality. They analyse the characteristics of each font to match your desired vibe.

Crafting a Distinct Logo with AI

Your logo is the face of your brand. AI-powered platforms like Looka and Tailor Brands use algorithms to understand your brand and generate logo options tailored to your preferences. This eliminates the need for extensive design skills, making it accessible for side hustlers with diverse backgrounds.

  • Looka:

    • How it Works: Looka is an AI-powered platform that utilises machine learning algorithms to understand your brand attributes.

    • Logo Generation: Based on your inputs, Looka generates multiple logo options, considering your brand's personality, industry, and preferences.

    • Customisation: Users can customise the generated logos by adjusting colours, fonts, and layouts, ensuring a unique and tailored result.

    • Accessibility: Looka's user-friendly interface makes logo creation accessible to individuals without advanced design skills.

  • Tailor Brands:

    • Algorithmic Understanding: Tailor Brands employs advanced algorithms to analyse the information provided about your brand, such as business name, industry, and style preferences.

    • Logo Suggestions: The platform suggests logo designs that align with the identified characteristics of your brand, streamlining the creative process.

    • Iterative Process: Users can iterate on the suggested logos, making adjustments until they find the perfect representation of their brand identity.

    • Inclusivity: Tailor Brands caters to a wide range of users, including those who may not have a design background but aspire to create a professional logo for their side business.

Why AI Matters in Logo Creation:

  • Efficiency: AI-driven logo creation significantly accelerates the design process, allowing individuals to obtain professional-looking logos swiftly.

  • Personalisation: By understanding brand attributes and user preferences, AI ensures that logos are not generic but specifically crafted for each business.

  • Affordability: AI-powered logo creation is often more affordable than hiring a professional designer, making it an attractive option for those on a budget.

  • User-Friendly: The user-friendly interfaces of Looka and Tailor Brands empower entrepreneurs, regardless of their design expertise, to actively participate in shaping their brand identity.

These AI platforms showcase how technology can be harnessed to democratise logo design, enabling side hustlers to create distinctive and impactful logos for their businesses without requiring extensive design skills or a hefty budget.

Elevate Your Brand Look with Image Style

In the vast landscape of brand identity, the element of image style plays a pivotal role in shaping how your audience perceives your brand. Image style encompasses your visual approach to presenting your content, from photography to graphics. Let's delve into how you can choose an image style that resonates with your brand and explore the role of AI image tools in bringing this vision to life.

Choosing Your Image Style

  • Understand Your Brand Personality:

    • Before selecting an image style, delve deep into your brand personality. Is your brand playful, sophisticated, or minimalist? The chosen image style should align seamlessly with these characteristics.

  • Consider Your Target Audience:

    • Think about the preferences and aesthetics that appeal to your target audience. Understanding their tastes can guide you towards an image style that resonates with them.

  • Industry and Trends:

    • Explore the visual trends within your industry. While you want your brand to stand out, incorporating some elements that align with industry trends can help your brand feel relevant.

  • Consistency is Key:

    • Consistency in your image style across various platforms is crucial. Maintaining a consistent image style builds a recognisable and cohesive brand, Whether on your website, social media, or marketing materials.

AI Image Tools in Crafting Your Image Style

  • Image Editing with AI:

    • Tools like use AI to automatically remove backgrounds from images, allowing you to place your subjects in various settings. This can be a game-changer in creating versatile and on-brand visuals.

  • Style Transfer Techniques:

    • AI-powered platforms like DeepArt leverage neural networks to apply artistic styles to your images. This can help create unique visuals that align with your brand's identity.

  • Customised Stock Photos:

    • AI-powered stock photo platforms like Nappy curate diverse and inclusive images. By selecting images that resonate with your brand values, you can ensure your image style is visually appealing and aligns with your brand narrative.

  • Predictive Image Analysis:

    • Tools like Google Cloud Vision API use machine learning to analyse images. This can assist in understanding the content of images, ensuring they align with your brand messaging and values.

Implementing Your Image Style

  • Website and Social Media:

    • Apply your chosen image style consistently on your website and social media profiles. This includes the types of images you use, the colour grading, and any filters applied.

  • Marketing Collateral:

    • Carry your image style into marketing materials. Whether it's brochures, banners, or business cards, ensure the visual language is consistent with the established image style.

  • Merchandise Design:

    • When creating merchandise, align the design with your chosen image style. This ensures that even physical items represent your brand accurately and cohesively.

Crafting a distinct image style is vital in building a memorable brand identity. By carefully selecting an image style that aligns with your brand personality and leveraging AI image tools, you can create visuals that captivate your audience and reflect your brand's essence. Experiment with different styles, stay true to your brand narrative and let your image style become a powerful storytelling tool for your side business.

Bringing Your Brand to Life Online

Once you've established the foundational elements of your brand identity, it's time to translate that essence into a digital presence. Platforms like Wix and Squarespace simplify the website-building process and offer opportunities to integrate AI tools for a seamless and visually consistent representation of your brand.


  • Website Building: Wix provides an intuitive website builder that caters to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The platform offers a range of templates that can be customised to reflect your brand's unique personality.

  • AI Enhancement: Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) is a standout feature. By analysing your answers to a few questions about your business and design preferences, Wix ADI can generate a personalised website design tailored to your brand identity.

  • Consistent Branding: Integrating your logo and colour palette into the website design is straightforward with Wix. The platform allows you to easily upload your logo, choose matching colours, and apply them consistently across pages, ensuring a cohesive online presence.


  • Design Sophistication: Squarespace is known for its sleek and modern design aesthetics. Its platform is designed for creatives who appreciate clean and sophisticated visuals.

  • Templates and Customization: Squarespace offers a variety of templates that serve as a solid foundation for your website. These templates can be customised extensively to align with your brand's unique identity.

  • Colour Palette Integration: Squarespace enables you to input your custom colour codes, ensuring that your website's colour scheme harmonises with the palette chosen for your brand. This provides a visually cohesive experience for your audience.

AI in Web Design:

  • Adaptive Layouts: Both Wix and Squarespace leverage AI to create adaptive layouts. This means that your website can automatically adjust its design based on the type of device a visitor is using, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience.

  • Content Suggestions: AI can assist in suggesting and optimising content placement, helping you structure your website for maximum engagement.

  • Personalisation: AI tools within these platforms can recommend features and design elements based on user behaviour, contributing to a more personalised user experience.

Enhancing Brand Identity:

  • Logo Integration: Both Wix and Squarespace allow you to display your logo on your website prominently. This ensures your visual brand identity is front and centre, reinforcing brand recall.

  • Consistent Colour Usage: The colour palette chosen earlier for your brand can be consistently applied throughout your website. This includes background colours, text colours, and accent colours, creating a unified and professional look.

  • Font Consistency: Integrating the fonts used in your brand identity into your website maintains a cohesive visual language, contributing to brand recognition.

By utilising these website-building platforms and integrating AI tools, you can create a powerful online representation of your brand that aligns seamlessly with the visual identity you've crafted. The result is a professional and engaging website that captivates your audience and effectively communicates your brand's essence.

Marketing Materials and Merchandise

Extending your brand into the physical realm through marketing materials and merchandise is a strategic move that goes beyond digital presence. Creating consistent marketing collateral and merchandise enhances brand visibility and establishes a tangible connection with your audience. Platforms like Canva and Printful are pivotal in simplifying the design and production process, ensuring your brand identity remains cohesive across various mediums.

Why Marketing Materials and Merchandise Matter:

  • Brand Recognition: Consistent marketing materials and merchandise contribute to brand recognition. When your audience consistently encounters your logo, colour scheme, and design elements across different channels, it reinforces your brand in their minds.

  • Professionalism: Well-designed marketing materials and merchandise reflect professionalism. Whether it's business cards, brochures, or promotional items, a cohesive and visually appealing design communicates a level of professionalism that builds trust with your audience.

  • Audience Engagement: Tangible items like merchandise serve as touchpoints for audience engagement. People wearing or using items bearing your brand creates a physical connection, fostering a sense of belonging to your brand community.

AI Integration in Marketing Design:


  • User-Friendly Design: Canva is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying design skills.

  • AI Design Elements: Canva incorporates AI elements, particularly in suggesting design options based on your inputs. For example, when creating social media posts, Canva may recommend design elements that align with your brand's established visual identity.

  • Consistent Branding: Canva allows you to save brand colours and fonts, ensuring consistent application across all marketing materials. This feature is especially useful in maintaining a unified look across diverse collateral.


  • Custom Merchandise: Printful offers a variety of customisable merchandise, from clothing to promotional items. You can imprint your brand logo and visual elements on these items, seamlessly extending your brand identity.

  • Automated Printing: The platform uses automated printing processes, ensuring that the final products accurately reflect the design you've created.

  • Quality Control: Printful employs quality control measures to maintain the integrity of your brand. This ensures that the colours match your specified palette and that the final products meet your standards.

How AI Helps Craft a Brand Identity:

  • Consistency Across Platforms: AI tools in Canva and Printful contribute to maintaining consistency. Using design suggestions based on established brand elements, you can create marketing materials and merchandise that align seamlessly with your visual identity.

  • Efficiency in Design: AI streamlines the design process, making it more efficient for individuals without extensive design experience. This allows you to focus on the strategic aspects of your brand identity while the tools handle the technicalities.

  • Adaptability: AI can adapt designs to different formats and products, ensuring that your brand identity translates effectively across a diverse range of marketing materials and merchandise.

In summary, creating marketing materials and merchandise is crucial in solidifying your brand identity. Canva and Printful, with their AI integrations, empower you to design and produce visually appealing materials consistent with the brand identity you've crafted, whether for online marketing or physical promotional items.


Building a visual brand identity for your business is a journey of self-discovery and creativity. AI serves as a reliable companion, making the process accessible and enjoyable. As you embark on this adventure, remember that your brand identity is an ever-evolving story—tell it with passion, consistency, and the support of cutting-edge AI tools. Now, let's bring your brand to life!

[Author's Note: This article has been written using ChatGPT, with human oversight to ensure quality and coherence.

I have created a pretty in-depth article explaining the visual elements of brand identity and how AI can be used to help make them. I was interested to discover new AI tools in this article. The logo design and image style tools are all new to me. Although not tools which I feel I have a use for currently, it’s good to discover new AI options. As someone who loves the creation of the visual elements of my own brands, I like to design the logos and graphics myself. But I could use some of these tools for inspiration in future projects. 

In creating this article, I had to do a lot of troubleshooting. I think, in some instances, using the engineering prompts is too complex and does not lead to the desired result. Rather than using AI to create a prompt for this one, I used it to create the structure for the article and then fill in the sections. As each section was just a short paragraph, I went back and asked for more information and to expand on some points. This method worked well. Seeing the overall structure of the article allowed me to make sure it made sense and covered all the key points I wanted. 

For future articles, I will use a similar method and play around with the prompt engineering to see if I can further refine the process. I have yet to reach a point where AI is speeding up the process significantly enough to mass-produce content. ChatGPT 3.5 still requires a significant amount of troubleshooting and editing to achieve the results I desire. It’s invaluable in the idea generation process and provides a good start, but it’s not a stage where I can just run a couple of prompts, create an article and tweak it a bit, which was the initial goal. Much more exploration is needed.]

Steph Welch

Hi, I’m Steph Welch. When I’m not creating, you’ll find me walking in the Sussex countryside or binge-watching crime dramas.

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